Rockin’ it Old School was rescheduled to July 8th and moved to Lenjet.  We also deleted a class so we could have our annual rules meeting.  11 guys showed up to race and only 10 members were allowed to vote. First class was our Hobbystock with original Aurora body.  It was great to see cars… Read More

April 30th was not a day for Yoga, Zen Budha stuff or Zumba. It was a Spin Out Day for the East Coast HO Outlaws hosted by Peter Lentros at his magical Romper Room called LenJet Raceway.  17 guys were in there to try not to spin out but to claim a spot on the… Read More

Now that we’ve seen what happens at the beginning of a new NASCAR season, we can honestly say the professional HO slotcar racers who attended the LenJet All Star event on Feb 19th faired better than those NASCAR types.  Plus I think we actually raced smarter than most those those guys/gals too. When you have… Read More

This was the first time I have been on the Rolling Thunder Raceway.  Very fast with some interesting sections.  Great turn out for our second club race on this track.  Love Magnatraction on here.  Fast and fun.  Thanks Ron for a great day of racing.  Not much more to say.  Check out the pictures to see… Read More

A great day of racing on the Doval and CRB Roadcourse.  As always plenty of food including smoked meat.  This club loves smoked meat.  Not much more to report.  Check out the pictures to see all the fun.… Read More

Lots of December Doing’s for the East Coast HO Outlaws Club for 2016.  First, guess Santa boycotted stopping into Longmeadow Rd for some spiked Eggnog, so he sent a 19 racers to take his place and told some to bring pretty gifts (Car Bodies) to share. Some fantastic looking creations of Coupes, SS, Trans-AM bodies… Read More

November 20 2016 fast five raceway Southampton ma. 14 racers arrived bright and early to do battle in three races held on two tracks. After a practice and tech we had the drivers meeting. Discussion included asking for candidates for club president and possible Vice President. Once candidates are announced a vote will take place… Read More

The East Coast HO Outlaws is definitely a eating club with a racing addiction.  Combine racers from Ct, RI, Mass with a few extra Maine’iacs and the annual Grill’n-N-Chill’n 500 (G-N-C) was another race for the record books. Gotta love when our club members show up with both a hanker’n for some great Maine seafood… Read More

Gentleman, Race number 2 for the season is in the books. A big shout to little Jimmy for putting on a fine show and I’d like to thank all that braved the weather and long drive to make this race.  Great job done by BIG Greg on the sweep of the days events. We had… Read More

Insanity ran rampant at the Raducah’s awesome Rapid Raceway in Plainville,CT.  Reason for that opening statement is the types of phrases heard during the practice session and race event. Not repeatable on this site due to it’s graphic content but oh man, somebodies Mom is gonna have a good time and a lot of explaining… Read More